Sexy bits

This is episode 10 of The One, so for this episode, and every tenth one thereafter, we are going to do something a little different

Rather than talking to one specific couple about their love story, I will enlist the help of some fine folks who subscribe in my passion for love to share their feelings on a specific topic that relates to love and relationships.

The topic for Episode 10 is the one that people seem to be most interested in and also terrified of: sex.

So get your fan ready, this podcast is about to get steamy.

Much thanks to these wonderful and talented individuals for being so open with their thoughts:

Adam Rozenhart

Janelle Aker and TJ Jans

Julian Faid

Phil Wilson

If you know of love story that you think I should showcase on a future episode of The One, have them send me an email at:

Or send me a message yourself, and we can open the world up to the beauty of love in all its forms.

